[maemo-community] maemo.org Community Council candidature announcement

From: Andrew Flegg andrew at bleb.org
Date: Tue Aug 26 12:58:42 EEST 2008
Name:        Andrew Flegg (Jaffa)
Profile:     http://maemo.org/profile/view/jaffa/
Affiliation: None relevant to Maemo
  I've been interested in Maemo devices since about mid-2005, and
  bought a 770 the day the went on sale. Since then, I've been
  increasingly involved in the community - both on
  InternetTabletTalk and, increasingly, maemo.org.

  I believe Nokia have yet to fully tap into the community that
  exists, and the community needs to help Nokia grow membership
  and activity within the Maemo ecosystem.

  I want to push for Nokia to do more and more Maemo development
  in the open, with them *truly* having to justify why a
  component is closed. I want to have the community contribute
  more directly to the development process, whether in roadmapping;
  specification writing/review or testing of pre-released products.

  The maemo.org community is growing: we need to ensure it keeps
  growing. I'm pleased to see that, already, some of the points I
  raised in "maemo.org: what next?"[1] are coming about. I want
  to see the Council pushing this agenda to increase the level of
  dialogue happening at the Maemo *strategic* level between Nokia
  - as its corporate sponsor - and the maemo.org community - as the
  passionate, experienced, but currently undirected, community that
  it is.

[1] http://www.maemopeople.org/index.php/jaffa/2008/04/20/maemo_org_what_next

Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew at bleb.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/

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