[maemo-community] Maemo Elections - Extended

From: Graham Cobb g+770 at cobb.uk.net
Date: Mon Apr 2 00:57:39 EEST 2012
On Sunday 01 April 2012 19:51:57 crashanddie at gmail.com wrote:
> Frankly, I think this telling. Maybe it's time to consider wrapping things
> up in a "so long and thanks for all the fish"-kinda way?

Quite possibly.  If it turns out no one wants to do the council job any more 
then I think it is time to take stock and ask the community what they do want.

Personally I find the forums and mailing lists useful.  However, much more 
important to me are the repositories -- a single place to go looking for 
packages if I need them.  How big are the current repositories and how much 
traffic do they get?  The Community SSU is also an extremely valuable project.  
And the Nokia flash images are also critical.

Maybe there are volunteers to provide portions of this infrastructure?  Not 
necessarily under maemo.org any more but at least in centralised places.

Or maybe not -- in which case we are all on our own.  I guess it is time I 
mirrored all the repos I care about onto my home system ready for when they go 

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