[maemo-community] Maemo Elections - Extended

From: Tim Samoff tim at samoff.com
Date: Mon Apr 2 03:28:31 EEST 2012
While every ounce of my being says "please no" to this idea -- and most of you know my history with all of you. My gut says it's time.

There are more important things to put our time into (said with a tear).

Always maemo,

Sent from my Nokia N950

On 4/1/12 11:51 crashanddie at gmail.com wrote:
Frankly, I think this telling. Maybe it's time to consider wrapping things up in a "so long and thanks for all the fish"-kinda way?


-- Sent from my HP TouchPad

On 1 Apr 2012 16:54, robert bauer <nybauer at gmail.com> wrote: 

There have been no nominations.  Let's extend the nomination period and the voting (if necessary) for a week.
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 2:33 PM, robert bauer <nybauer at gmail.com> wrote:

It's time for the next Maemo election.  Any community member who has karma of 100 or more may be nominated for Council or may nominate themselves via the maemo community mailing list (nominations must also be accepted to nteh mailing list).  The nomination period will close at 23:59 UTC, Saturday, 31 March.

The voting is preliminarily scheduled to run from 00:00 UTC, Thursday, 5 April to 23:59, Wednesday, 11 April, 2012.  If the community decides to nominate less than four nominees, then the nominees will be considered to represent a consensus of the community and there will be no vote.

If there is a need for a vote, each member of maemo.org, who has an account that is more than 3 months old and who has earned over 10 "karma" points on that account, gets an electronic ballot.  The election is a "single transferable vote".  They rank their Council candidates in order of preference; if their top candidate cannot get elected with the votes they receive, the votes are redistributed until all council seats have been allocated.

Please give serious consideration to nominating people you trust with the future of maemo.  Nokia funding will end and Nokia cannot commit to handing over or licensing the website or parts of the infrastructure to the community.  The current council has decided reorganizing maemo.org is not feasible for the long term and has started looking into a possible Plan B.  There have also been proposals to bring Harmattan into maemo.org, and to coordinate with other projects.  It is preferable that the future of maemo be made by a deliberate decision of the community.  Please help that happen by nominating and voting for council members of your choice.

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