[maemo-community] Accepting Nomination for Community Council

From: arie at everythingn9.com arie at everythingn9.com
Date: Fri Apr 20 20:47:52 EEST 2012
I am accepting my Nomination for the community council and would like to run.


Sent from my Nokia N9

On 4/20/12 1:27 PM arie at everythingn9.com wrote:

I agree with your Idea fully Quim.


Sent from my Nokia N9

On 4/20/12 11:49 AM Quim Gil wrote:

Maybe the simplest approach is to organize different activities and 
agree on an amount devices to allocate for each.

Instead of discussing THE criteria for allocating all those devices we 
could agree who organizes what and how many devices that activity is 

Also because it feels that it's not easy to pull resources for a full 
fledged seeding program. That takes a serious amount if time and energy, 
I can tell.

We could have:

- Competition. Focus on ADM / Extras / community repos. Put the N950s 
there. I have asked how many we have). Winners could have an option of 
getting an N9 instead.

- Publish your OSS app at Nokia Store. The goal being to channel to all 
N9 users the good stuff that now lies elsewhere.

- Your app in Qt 5. Show your Qt 4 app and your plan to demo it running 
in Qt 5 on N9.

- Prizes for great maemo.org contributors in any areas: betatesting, 
infrastructure, forum/IRC support and engagement, promotion...

Anything else?

I could help directly on Nokia Store & Qt 5 since these tasks are 
closely related to my work and the reasons why I'm able to offer these 
devices. Who would want to step in for any of these tasks?

The competition and the prizes for contributors are defined by 
categories, therefore it would be relatively easy to calculate the 
amount of devices needed. Then we could split the rest for the remaining 

What do you think?




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