[maemo-community] officially nominating myself for Maemo Council

From: Joseph Charpak josephcharpak at comcast.net
Date: Tue Nov 26 05:18:00 UTC 2013
Hi I'm Joseph Charpak. On maemo.org I go by the rather predictable name 
of jcharpak. I am running for a seat on the Maemo Council.

I've been a proud owner of a 770 as well as an N800, and have purchased 
a 64GB N9 in the last year when it became available and reasonably 
priced in the U.S. I'm a programmer/analyst (that's just a fancy term 
for what used to be called a computer programmer) My area of expertise 
is database stuff, specially Oracle, sql and pl/sql, along with oracle 
Forms and oracle reports, none of which is available for Nokia Mids or 
smartphones (with the exception of sql in sqlite). I've dabbled in 
plenty of other languages (C, C++, java, python, ada!) but am not really 
fluent in any of them. I appreciate the work being done at openrepos.net 
but wish we could add an N9 section to the maemo.org autobuilder 
instead. Still it's good to have something as I believe Nokia announced 
it is not allowing new applications to be submitted to the Nokia Store. 
I like romantic dinners and long walks on the beach...just kidding I 
hate long walks on the beach. It's either really sandy or really rocky 
not to mention the whole walking part. I'd much rather stay at home, 
reading all sorts of technical blogs and dreaming of one day building a 
"trek" style game written in python and qml. I'm a big proponent of open 
source, else why would I be here? Please consider voting for me on the 
Maemo Council.

(I'm jcharpak and I approved this message)
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