[maemo-developers] PR1.2 SDK for Extras-devel: how to solve?
From: Andrew Flegg andrew at bleb.orgDate: Wed Apr 7 16:55:51 EEST 2010
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Hi, The number of issues being caused by the deployment of PR1.2 SDK to the fremantle autobuilder is becoming critical. It doesn't even matter when PR1.2 is released, as we should have a way of dealing with this in-place for the next upgrade. BACKGROUND ~~~~~~~~~~ After the PR1.2 SDK was released, Niels deployed it to the autobuilder; enacting a plan which was discussed on this list. This has caused problems with libhildon dependencies, but the problems aren't just limited to that library: http://lists.maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-developers/2010-March/025668.html Both Niels and the Council believe we should do something to assist. WHAT WE SHOULD DO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We *need* to do something, both to improve the situation in -devel and -testing today, and test an approach for the next upgrade. The main requirements here are, I think: * It's not an excessive amount of work * It's a viable long term strategy * The QA process doesn't get broken Thoughts and comments from developers, or anyone else with a idea, will be much appreciated. OPTIONS ~~~~~~~ 1) Deploy SDKs as they are released; treat -devel and -testing as trunk. This is what we have now, I think we can say it doesn't work if there's going to be more than a few days between SDK release and device upgrade. Since Nokia doesn't pre-announce release dates, and last minute bugs could cause problems; I think we can rule this one out. 2) Revert the builder. This is basically a step backwards. "Changing the builder config is easy. Cleaning up -devel and rebuilding the affected packages is quite some work as we don't have any scripts for that made yet." 3) Hack the SDK, create some kind of hybrid. This'd be bad enough if limited to just libhildon, but isn't viable and WILL cause unforeseen problems. Veto :-) 4) Create separate repos, build queues for pre- and post-1.2. Similar to what's been done for Extras proper. "Creating the repos will be about a day work, but the part that sits on top of that (management scripts, Packages interface, QA queue) will probably take a week of work." There are hard issues around QA here. 5) Try building in each SDK in turn. My suggestion; when someone uploads to "fremantle" auto-builder it attempts to build the package against the PR1.1 SDK. If it succeeds, it goes into Extras-devel. If it fails to build, it gets built with the PR1.2 SDK, and so on. For an app with compile time symbol resolution (e.g. C/C++), this'd handle both cases quite nicely. Python apps would have to depend on the specific versions of bindings which gave them the features they wanted - again, not too much of a problem. At extras(-stable) promotion time you could even decide, based on actual binary package dependencies, whether to put in fremantle-1.2 or both fremantle-1.2 & fremantle extras repos. This would fix another common complain, "what if I don't upgrade for a few weeks". Larger packages could be prevent from being tried to built twice by stating a forced build dependency on a PR1.2 version of any system package. Some software won't install from -devel and -testing as it does now, but that will be reduced to the set of software which is actually using features that are unavailable. A HAM patch could grey out applications which were uninstallable, or show some other indication. This is, effectively, reinventing the more intelligent dpkg-shlibdeps: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/ImprovedDpkgShlibdeps However, it deals with the following three circumstances: 1) Application uses API which has changed in later SDK. This will be built with PR1.1 SDK, succeeds and goes into Extras-devel. Can be promoted to Extras-testing but there's no clear way for a tester to know it won't work if their device is running the latest OS. 2) Application uses API which is unchanged in later SDK. This will be built with PR1.1 SDK, succeeds and goes into Extras-devel. Can be promoted to Extras-testing and tested on any device with PR1.1 or PR1.2. Once promoted it COULD go into fremantle and fremantle-1.2. 3) Application uses API which is introduced in later SDK. This will be built with PR1.1 SDK and fail. It will be rebuilt with PR1.2 SDK, succeed and go into Extras-devel. Can be promoted to Extras-testing and tested by testers using the most recent release. Once promoted it will go into fremantle-1.2. 6) Case-by-case basis. Developer complains: add a temporary exception to autobuilder to build $APPNAME with PR1.0/1.1 SDK, but goes into the shared extras-devel as now. Thanks in advance, Andrew -- Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew at bleb.org | http://www.bleb.org/ Maemo Community Council chair
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