[maemo-developers] "Donate $x" button on Packages and/or Downloads
From: Andrew Flegg andrew at bleb.orgDate: Fri Jan 22 13:55:20 EET 2010
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BACKGROUND ~~~~~~~~~~ A number of articles recently have talked about Ovi Store as the only "real" app store for Maemo; massively overlooking http://maemo.org/downloads/ Similarly, as Ovi takes off, it is interesting to think about how micro-payments for ones software could make one a bit of money (100 users at $1 each is a nice present); but whilst still having our software as open source. There've been suggestions in the past of a "Donate" button on each project's website, but I suggest we thrash out a scheme - and then implement - a consistent micro-donation system for maemo.org REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * User can make quick donations to apps they like. * There is a suggested amount, set by the author, to indicate that even small donations are appreciated. * The button is in a consistent and logical location, with the easiest place to put it on maemo.org/downloads/ and probably also maemo.org/packages/. * Developers can receive donations direct from the users, without maemo.org taking a cut. SPECIFICATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two new debian/control fields would be introduced: XB-Maemo-Suggested-Donation - amount, in dollars (or euros) which would be shown on the button. If not present, no donations are expected. XB-Maemo-Donation-Recipient - email address to whom user will be donating. Downloads and Packages would be updated[1] to show a button at the bottom right of the package description: "Donate $2" (showing the amount from Maemo-Suggested-Donation) ...with a small "what's this?" link underneath linking to a help page explaining that it's entirely voluntary, maemo.org takes no cut and is a direct donation, using PayPal, between you and the maintainer. Clicking the button will use the PayPal API[2] to redirect the user to a "$PACKAGE donation" page with the amount prefilled and the recipient fixed. NEXT STEPS ~~~~~~~~~~ There are Brainstorm and Talk threads on this issue; so the next-steps, as I see it are: * Link up discussions from elseweb. * Find a stakeholder (happy for it to be me) * Come to a consensus on the technical implementation, and get signed off by X-Fade. * Develop the changes and submit to maemo2midgard. * Test, deploy & use. Perhaps this is an opportunity to use the project management approach outlined by Stskeeps[3]? Comments, as ever, very welcome. Cheers, Andrew [1] https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/?root=maemo2midgard [2] https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_donation_buttons [3] http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=41092 -- Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew at bleb.org | http://www.bleb.org/
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