[maemo-developers] Looking for help from a GTK guy with 2 projects

From: Mohammad Abu-garbeyyeh mohammad7410 at gmail.com
Date: Mon Nov 14 12:44:42 EET 2011
Although probably related to memory usage, painting Qt widgets takes much more time than Gtk ones (on Fremantle), for apps this may be ok, but for something that has to show quickly this may not be acceptable

Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh.

On Nov 14, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Michael Hasselmann <michael at taschenorakel.de> wrote:

> On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 10:23 +0200, Ивайло Димитров wrote:
>> Meh. The reason why QT keyboard would not be acceptable to replace
>> hildon vkb is very simple - QT memory footprint. Did you forget n900
>> comes with 256MB of RAM? And running even simple QT/QML application
>> consumes about 8%-10% of that? While it sounds very good in theory, in
>> practice(under memory pressure) it would just slow the device even
>> further.
> Memory footprint is an issue, but most of it should be shared unless you
> plan to never ever run any other Qt app on the N900.
> Also, why not tackle the memory footprint? As it seems, Qt is not using
> a slab allocator. So even for a "simple" QString, the PIMPL and the
> QMetaObject are seemingly heap-allocated. Memory trashing is a real
> concern.
> Glib has been using slab allocators for ages, perhaps the time has come
> for Qt to use more than the Glib mainloop ;-)
> regards,
> Michael
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