[maemo-community] Council nomination: Andrew Flegg (Jaffa)

From: Andrew Flegg andrew at bleb.org
Date: Mon Sep 14 09:26:19 EEST 2009
Sebastian wrote:
> Andrew has expressed he did not want to present himself for the
> Council at this election, as he feels new blood might ensure a dynamic
> continuity of the work that is being rendered by the Council.

Thank you for the kind words - fuelled by excessive Red Bull, no doubt. I have reconsidered my decision but come to the same conclusion as before: I am not going to stand this time.

I am very proud of the work achieved by the two councils so far; and very happy to have had the opportunities to represent the community recently.

A year is a long time and, as chair, the last six months have been especially hard. I hope that Stephen, Valerio and Graham will accept their nominations and that they can continue the good work we've done so far.

I'm looking forward to having 6 months off as "just" a community member, but intend on still being an active community member; membership of the council isn't a requirement for that :-)



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew at bleb.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/

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